New Chapters - Exactly 20 Years Apart

A whole new chapter of my life began twenty years ago this week. Personally, I was internally begging my 10-day-overdue baby Zachary to let himself be birthed; which he finally allowed, at almost 10lbs, on Saturday, August 5, 1995.  Professionally, I had recently left my long-running cherished, kooky romantic role as Shannon O'Hara McKechnie on "As the World Turns." Times were a changin' on many fronts. 

This Wednesday, August 5th, 2015, my baby Zachary will celebrate his 20th birthday. Proud doesn't begin to describe how I feel about my 6'1" athletic, very smart, positive-minded, The Ohio State University Junior, who is honored to belong to Pike fraternity (Phi Kappa Alpha) and who was one of a very few college students whom Apple hired this Summer as an At Home Advisor. #ZachRocks!

Also on this August 5th, I will be filming many scenes as Josh Mostel's tough-tawkin' Staten Island wife, Gloria, in Esther Levy-Chehebar's funny film "The Amazing Ray," directed by her co-writer husband, Isaac Chehebar; as I did yesterday and also will on Tuesday. #TheAmazingRay

In between brush-up rehearsals for #VanyaAndSoniaAndMashaAndSpike, that is.  We'll be presenting the 2013 Tony Award winning Christopher Durang play at our 3rd venue, with the same cast and director, August 11-22, 2015 at The Cape Playhouse in Dennis, MA. Please come see us. And go to the beach!

Things couldn't be more different than 20 years ago, but I am so very, very grateful for everything that has happened to, and for, both my 2 sons and me to this point in our lives. Thanks for being a part of this lively journey. Whew!

Happy Summer!  

My sons, Zach and Matt, at one of our birthday celebrations for Zach's 20th birthday this year.  

My sons, Zach and Matt, at one of our birthday celebrations for Zach's 20th birthday this year.